What is Art: 

By: Steven Abernathy


Art is movement. 

It’s a meditation, 

a chance to channel energy from life into a feeling and an image. 


Art is geometry. 

It’s all the lines, circles and curves we see everyday. 

It’s the sharp angles, all the way to the free flowing unruly and uncontrollable power of the motion in the ocean.


It’s the symmetry of nature.

The symbiotic relationship of human to plant

and the ebb and flow of the cycle.

Art is imagination and the colors of the wind. 

It’s an expression, an emotion and acting upon it.


Art is looking at a lion and a bee, feeling a connection to both with compassion,

appreciating importance of their skill.

Not looking at them with the fear that both could kill you or the ego that you could kill them, but rather seeing the relationship we have with them as one. 

It’s keeping an instinctual awareness to each’s power and role on earth and how we play a part in that ecosystem.


Art is combining the equilateral triad of feeding the mind,

understanding the body, tapping into the spirit and connecting to a higher source.


It needs no validation, fame or fortune. 

Just to be made using every cell of your body, mind and soul.


It’s the sphere to which we float on,

the universe in which we exist.

It’s the molecules of air we breathe

and the water we sip.


Art is here and there

and everywhere.

Art is truth, art is you


Art is life.